Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has globally become a business worth more than 100 billion dollars annually. According to some estimates, more than half of all software now runs through SaaS. Although the popularity of the SaaS business model has grown in recent years, many professionals outside of IT struggle with the terminology and do not necessarily understand the benefits and limitations of different implementation options.
It is expected that some Labor Risk Prevention (LRP) managers may be hesitant to move to the cloud. This reluctance may be due, in part, to a lack of technological awareness and concerns about data privacy, or also to a lack of knowledge that they can achieve cost reductions, a significant increase in their risk control capabilities and productivity, and greater software reliability by using SaaS implementations.
Today, most CIOs or IT leaders have at least a strategy for moving their organization's applications to SaaS, if they haven't already made the change. SaaS adoption is typically one of the first steps companies take on the path to digitally transforming their operations. However, LRP managers, and even several CIOs or IT leaders, remain cautious about the SaaS implementation model. Although the LRP function has traditionally not been at the forefront of digital transformation efforts, LRP departments have much to gain by adopting SaaS, including cost reduction, predictable budget planning, mobile access, availability and reliability, and ease of management.
Here are several reasons why companies should adopt the cloud for LRP software
Reason #1: SaaS helps LRP departments reduce existing software costs and better plan for future expenses.
Choosing to adopt any new technology comes down to what the return on that investment will be. Regarding cost-saving opportunities when moving to SaaS, we can highlight the following:
1.Developing LRP solutions by the internal IT department is not free.
The costs associated with the initial internal development of LRP solutions must consider the labor costs of the resources assigned to the project (Programmers, Project Managers, etc.), additional IT infrastructure, software customization and integration, associated licenses, etc.
2.SaaS can offer a more predictable cost structure.
Moving to SaaS not only reduces LRP software costs but also helps companies better manage those costs in the future. When an LRP SaaS solution provider offers predictable pricing based on the organization's intended use, LRP departments can estimate and plan for the cost in the short and long term. This is generally not the case with internal IT developments, as the experience or focus of an IT department is typically centered on the business's critical applications and not on LRP, making future cost estimates associated with LRP solution developments less predictable.
Reason #2: Opportunity Cost for the Company
It is important to highlight that for the company itself, this relates to an opportunity cost, which can be viewed from two different perspectives:
1.Where do I, as a company, want to focus my IT resources?
Do I want to allocate them to the development of LRP applications that are already available as SaaS with predictable costs, or to the development of critical and strategic business applications where the company has specific business expertise and which could generate competitive advantages over the competition?
There is a clear trend today of more and more companies incorporating technology as a tool in their specific business to achieve better competitive positioning. Diverting resources to different areas means missing out on business-related opportunities.
2.Even when separating IT resources for non-critical business applications, will the development of ORP applications always have high priority over projects in other areas?
The IT departments of any company are characterized by having a very high demand for projects. Even in cases where they have resources allocated for non-critical business solutions, the requirements from various departments within the company are numerous and compete with each other. This makes it difficult for them to ensure the LRP department priority for initial development or improvement projects. In the case of a SaaS solution provider, new developments are frequent as part of their roadmap (and generally at no additional cost to the client if related to a functionality they already have contracted), and if they are not planned to be released in the short term, a good provider should offer the alternative of developments—which, although they will have an associated cost—will allow their client to have the solution when needed and with the required priority.
Reason #3: Specialization
As previously mentioned, LRP solution providers are focused on these applications and leverage the experience gained from multiple clients and large volumes of transactions to continuously improve their solutions and transfer best practices to their clients, allowing the following:
1.Constant updates.
It is common for a good LRP SaaS solution provider to offer updates within their subscription that benefit their clients by providing systems that are constantly updated with improvements that clearly understand the needs of frequent and specific LRP use.
Having this level of specialization within a company's IT department is complex, and even if it were achieved by a team member, the organization would depend on that person to maintain the knowledge within the company (what would happen if the person left the company?). On the other hand, if the knowledge needed to develop an LRP system were to fall on one or more members of the LRP team, it would place a very high demand on their time, which should be focused on prevention rather than analyzing fields, screens, workflows, notifications, etc., that are necessary in a new system and its updates (not to mention that it would require a profile with the ability to interact with IT and define processes).
2.Rapid configuration adapted to the needs of the ORP department
The flexibility of platform configuration, the experience of the SaaS solution provider, and the ability to speak the same language as the company's LRP team enable the LRP department to quickly obtain a solution to configuration needs, either on its own thanks to the platform's configuration capabilities or with immediate support from the provider.
Having these capabilities in internal developments or within the IT team is much more complex due to the lack of specific experience in this type of solution and the knowledge of best practices derived from the use of these solutions by multiple clients.
In this regard, it is crucial to emphasize the need for the SaaS platform to adapt to different processes and client needs, which requires detailed assessment when evaluating providers.
Reason #4: SaaS Applications Are More Resilient Than On-Premises Applications
When an organization migrates to SaaS, the provider becomes solely responsible for keeping the applications available, secure, and ready whenever clients need them. After two decades of SaaS, these providers have developed strong practices and know how to keep their applications running.
1.Software availability and reliability
This is one of the most recognized benefits of SaaS. In addition to cost reduction, it is globally acknowledged that the availability and reliability of SaaS applications is a clear advantage.
2.Availability and speed of technical support
Technical support in an LRP SaaS company prioritizes availability and reliability. The support team of an LRP SaaS provider is constantly working to ensure excellent service. In the case of internal LRP solution developments, IT support resources are usually distributed across the various applications of the company, and as with development, when an issue arises, they compete for priority in resolution, which does not always guarantee immediate attention.
Reason #5: SaaS Applications Facilitate Support for Mobile Applications
SaaS applications are typically optimized to work on any device that a user uses to access them. SaaS providers save a client's developers the need to build and test applications to function on multiple devices. Now, why is the use of this type of application on mobile devices relevant?
1.The ability to access from mobile devices is essential for fieldwork.
When a company moves to SaaS, the SaaS provider does the heavy lifting to ensure the applications are ready for mobile devices, including the ability to operate in areas without signal coverage. This is essential since the use typically takes place in the field (e.g., conducting audits, checklists, taking measurements, reporting incidents, accessing work guides at the job site, etc.).
2.It is the initial step for future adoption of LRP technologies
Mobile applications are the most widely implemented new technology and a first step towards a broader digital transformation. The importance of SaaS being better suited for mobility should not be underestimated. When companies seek to adopt new LRP technologies, it is essential to look for those that allow for mobile applications since their use in the field is increasingly expanding, with more functionalities being added day by day
Final Reflections
LRP managers can benefit from cost reductions, increased ORP control and productivity, and improved software reliability by using SaaS implementations.
IT teams in companies primarily focus and spend most of their time managing developments, servers, desktops, software updates, and cybersecurity related to the company’s critical business applications, which is entirely expected and strategic. Their focus is typically not on the research, development, operation, and implementation of LRP solutions.
SaaS providers for LRP are specialists in the field, constantly implementing improvements and best practices, and are responsible for maintaining the availability and accessibility of their solutions, providing immediate solutions to LRP managers and being the first step towards the digitalization of new LRP technologies.
And beyond all this, how many accidents could be avoided simply by quickly adopting a solution that allows for significantly greater risk control?